200 km Race

By celebration of the 10th year Taubertal 100, 

we will hold additional a 200 km Race

The 200 km race is conform to the 100 Mile race, up to km 161.
The cut-off times are identical to the 100 Mile race, means 26 hours at km 161.  For the additional 39 km distance, the 200 km runner will get another 6 hours extra.

200 km Runners who do not want to continue and rather finish at 100 Miles, are free to do that.

After km 161, the 200 km track follows a bicycle road along the Main River via Karlstadt to Laudenbach at km 180. Laudenbach (km 180) is the way back-point to Adelsberg, the common finish-line of 100 Miles and 200km.

Food & Drinks
Until km 161 the original Checkpoints will be used from the 100 Mile race. Up to km 161 to km 200, also every 10 km will have a Checkpoint for self-service with food & drinks. Drinks will be Water, Apple Juice, Electrolyte, Beer and Tea. Food will be Mushed Potato, Fruit, Chia and Cookies.

Limit Time:
The Limit Time for 200 km is 32 hours

The personal 200 km-finish time is calculable with the actual 100 km-time x 2,6

Same as 100 Mile runners

Qualification (one of it):
100 km: Sub 12:00 h, 24 hour: more than 170 km, 100 miles: sub 22:40 hours

Track Profile:

same as 100 Miles, plus 2 x 19km flat along the Main river

Every finisher will get a 200 km Medal and Certificate

Cup Trophy:
The first three men and woman will get a cup trophy

Back transport:
At 3 p.m. is a back transport by bus in Gemünden. A Shuttle from the finish line to Gemünden is given

   200km track at Komoot

Calculation 200km finish-time for Ultra-Runners

Basic for the finish-time calculation is a min. 3 month training for the 200km distance and to meet an actual äquivalent-performance to another long distance.

To reach the 200km Finish-Line requires to run slowly from the beginning.

The Success or non-success belongs to the speed in the beginning.

For example: a runner who is qualified for the 200km in 30 hours, do not run faster than 6:30 hours in the first 50km. This feels very, very slow but is right to finish this long distance in time. If the runner keep the 6:30h and meets further the recommended split times, than he nearly has the guarantee the finish in 30 hour, or even faster.

200km Split Times